Tuesday, February 3, 2015

No toxicity!

So today I don't really have a post about hair or sewing but I would like to leave some uplifting words. Release yourself from all unhealthy relationships in your life. If something makes you unhappy, let it go. Some of us try to hang around people hoping for the best in someone when all they've ever shown you was their worst. Love yourself enough to let toxic people go. They will only make you  toxic and unhappy. You only have one life and you should spend it with those that love and respect you. That's it. I guess I'm just venting since I've had a huge burden lifted from my shoulders. My burden was an actual person lol.  I'm definitely going to take my own advice. Be happy. Talk to you soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So true. We all deserve respect and love!
