Friday, January 15, 2016

Pattern Giveaway!

Hello! I'm giving away for patterns.  Just like my facebook page, Sew I'm a Newbie, and subscribe to my blog. Then answer this one simple question.  How many sewing posts have I posted to my blog?  Good luck. Post answers to the Facebook page and I'll inbox you if you win.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Hello out there! I will be doing a couple of giveaways over the next few months.  Like my Facebook page "Sew I'm a Newbie" and you may have to answer a trivia question based on my blog or my facebook page.  I'll be posting on the go because my son is on his school's basketball team and they travel everywhere but make sure you stay tuned. Thanks for visiting!

Friday, January 1, 2016

New year's Day

This is completely not sewing related but I wanted to share my New Year's day start to a great year! Listening to live music with great company.  Can't ask for better than that. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Hey Happy New Year! I promise to sew more this year and make you all my guinea pigs for sewing tutorials! 2016 is going to be special for me and it's already started! I'm starting the year in a great mood and I hope it shows with my sewing. Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you happy and sew your butts off!